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改變舊時繁瑣程序 輕鬆建立線上課程

Become a trusted online source of medical information for patients around the world. Join WaPro community and safeguad the health of all.

Charge by the minute, and control your pricing independently Reflect value of professional health advice in your pricing

Charge by the minute, and control your pricing independently Reflect value of professional health advice in your pricing


Secure payment with speedy withdrawal


Charge by the minute, and control your pricing independently Reflect value of professional health advice in your pricing

Charge by the minute, and control your pricing independently Reflect value of professional health advice in your pricing


Charge by the minute, and control your pricing independently Reflect value of professional health advice in your pricing

Charge by the minute, and control your pricing independently Reflect value of professional health advice in your pricing


Charge by the minute, and control your pricing independently Reflect value of professional health advice in your pricing

Charge by the minute, and control your pricing independently Reflect value of professional health advice in your pricing

Secure payment with speedy withdrawal

Active matching system notifies both WaCare users and WaPro experts for health advice with an immediate online push notification to both users and experts Effective use of open time slots


Secure payment with speedy withdrawal

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